Mustang Seeds

1021 SW 10th Street
PO Box 466
Madison SD 57042

P: 605-256-6529
F: 605-256-6521


Use your calculator and these formulas to quickly figure exact acreage, yields and storage capacity.


  • Corn, Soybeans and Sorghum (row length, ft.) x (row width, in.) x (no. or rows) ÷ 522,720 = acres
  • Wheat (row length, ft.) x (width of harvest strip, ft.) ÷ 43,560 = acres


  • Corn-Grain (100 – harvest moisture) x (lbs. grain harvested) x (110.465) ÷ (row length, ft.) ÷ (row width, in.) ÷ (no. rows harvested) = bu./A. of corn at 15.5% moisture
  • Corn-Silage (100 – actual %p silage moisture) x ( green wt. silage, lbs./A.) ÷ (30) = lbs./A. of silage adjusted to 70% moisture
  • Soybeans (100 – harvest moisture) x (lbs. grain harvested) x (100.138) ÷ (row length, ft.) ÷ (row width, in.) ÷ (no. rows harvested) = bu./A. of soybeans at 13% moisture
  • Sorghum (100 – harvest moisture) x (lbs. grain harvested) x (6078.14) ÷ (row length, ft.) ÷ (row width, in.) ÷ (no. rows harvested) = lbs./A. of sorghum at 14% moisture


Corn, Soybeans and Sorghum

  • Round bin: (bin diameter, ft.) x (bin diameter, ft.) x (depth, ft.) x (.6283) = bu. stored
  • Rectangular storage: (width, ft.) x (length, ft.) x (depth, ft.) x (.8) = bu. Stored